Stinson LLP’s experienced Legal Project Management (LPM) team has over 70 years of combined experience in project management with strong proficiencies in the legal, financial and technology sectors. Our LPM team works seamlessly with Stinson attorneys, aligning pricing options and matter management strategies with our clients’ business goals. Our LPM team provides price predictability, budget transparency and streamlined matter management, while helping clients control legal spend and meet business objectives without sacrificing quality.

  • 70+
    Years combined project management experience
  • 62%
    Of Stinson partners have worked directly with our LPM team
  • AFAs
    Recognized as a Distinguished Law Firm for Alternative Fee Arrangements by BTI Consulting
Matter Initiation
  • Rate Setting

  • Pricing/AFAs

  • Price Modeling

Matter Initiation

Pricing Consultation & Data Analytics

  • Evaluate rate structures to determine if hourly arrangements or Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFAs) will best serve client objectives
  • Develop fee/cost estimates based on a defined scope of work
  • Develop AFA proposals that provide attorneys/clients with pricing options (e.g. fixed fee, success based fees, blended rates, tiered volume discounts, fixed fee by phase, monthly retainer, broken deal discount)
Matter Planning
  • Fee & Cost Estimating
  • Matter Plan Templates
  • Budgets & Work Plans
Matter Planning

Clear & Understandable Project Plans

  • Analyze prior matters and develop fee scenarios based on historical experience
  • Define scope of legal work, determine relevant phases/tasks staffing model and division of labor
  • Use matter plan to determine the fee/cost estimates based on staffing models, hours of effort, timeline, scope of work and key variables
  • Develop fee and costs estimates by leveraging matter planning templates
Matter Management
  • Templates/Tools/ Technologies
  • Reporting/Alerting
  • Communication Planning
  • Team Meetings
  • Matter Plan Updates
Matter Management

Technology, Tools, & Templates to Facilitate Efficiency

  • Leverage technology resources that feature process automation, artificial intelligence, machine leaning or prior work templates to optimize efficiency

Matter Management & Legal Spend Monitoring

  • Provide budget to actuals status reports and variance alerts to ensure alignment with fee/cost budgets utilizing Stinson’s Umbria® matter management system
  • Develop communication plan to ensure stakeholders receive detailed matter status updates at agreed upon intervals
  • Facilitate matter team meetings with client to review matter progress from a task, resource and financial standpoint

Matter Plan & Budget Reforecasting

  • Through matter monitoring, identify variances to original matter plan and initiate reforecasting to ensure the matter plan remains relevant and actionable
Experience Capture
  • Post-Matter Debrief
  • Process Improvement
Experience Capture

Post-Matter Review

  • Document successes, challenges and lessons learned

Process Improvement Methodologies

  • Evaluate lessons learned during post-matter review, pinpoint areas for process change and implement process improvement by removing waste in processes, updating workflows, and leveraging tool/templates/systems that support efficiency and continuous improvement

LPM Certified Attorneys

Ryan Sugden
The future of legal pricing demands that we provide our clients greater certainty and predictability for their legal spending. I use all Stinson's resources to deliver that value to my clients.
Steve Lindemann
Our construction clients create and maintain budgets for their projects, and expect their legal counsel to do the same. We work to meet those expectations with an initial case plan and budget, monitoring and reporting performance against throughout the matter.
Todd Phelps
Todd leverages firm resources to provide clients with fee transparency and creative pricing options.
Chuck Hatfield
Budgets and matter planning and detail ensure that my clients have a good sense of what is being—and will be done—on their matters. That leads to a "no surprises" relationship.
Megan McCurdy
Stinson has extraordinary pricing resources it can tailor to the diverse needs of any client. I use every ounce of those resources to benefit my clients.
Todd Noteboom
Todd provides clients with access to significant resources to resolve the thorniest litigation challenges.
Jill Radloff
Jill applies her legal counsel to quickly and efficiently deliver results based on her client’s business goals and objectives.
Karl Phares
My clients appreciate our collaborative approach to identifying the best fee arrangement and the opportunity to creatively achieve their specific objectives.
Stephanie Scheck
First and foremost a strategic legal advisor, Stephanie provides her clients with practical business and legal solutions in all areas of employment law compliance.

For questions, regarding Stinson's LPM Services, contact Stinson’s Director of Strategy and Innovation, Brendan McInerney.

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